Saturday, February 15, 2014

Shiodome City Center (汐留シティセンター店)

The day after Valentine's Day
is always the start of spring at Starbucks Japan.

Here is a peak at some of this year's sakura series.

(Left to right)
Stainless Cylinder Tumbler Sakura (Light Pink)
Sakura Mug (Pink)
Sakura Tumbler (Mosaic)
Sakura Tumbler (350ml)
Stainless Create Your Own Tumbler
Stainless Logo Cap Mug Sakura

Sakura Starbucks Card

Sakura Chocolate Frappuccino

Sakura Paper Bag

Sakura Glass

This glass not only has pretty petals on it but
the petals also change color depending on the temperature.

Can you see the difference?

Tumbler Gift Box

Sakura Tumbler (350ml)

Sakura Tumbler (240ml)

Sakura Chocolate Latte with Strawberry Flavored Toppings

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